bzr loves Ubuntu @ UDS

Michael Hudson michael.hudson at
Fri Nov 20 03:54:10 GMT 2009

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Hudson <michael.hudson at> writes:
>     Michael> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>     >>>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Hudson <michael.hudson at> writes:
>     >> 
>     >> <snip/>
>     >> 
>     Michael> Memory usage for large git imports is a real issue.  Maybe
>     Michael> we need to commission a big ass machine for initial imports
>     Michael> and use that, but it hasn't happened yet.
>     >> 
>     >> What do you call a big ass machine exactly ?
>     Michael> One with a lot of RAM, bascially, although fast would be handy too.  A
>     Michael> lot of RAM probably means in the 4-8 gig range, but I'm not really sure.
> Right, so saw (babune host) should do the trick, I intend to setup a
> there as soon as I get home (next week), it has 12GB and I
> can setup a vm with 8GB for the one (keeping
> in a vm will be easier to maintain for me). 

Well, at least currently the machine very much needs to be in the data
centre.  Though the thought of using EC2 for code imports has crossed my
mind before now...

> Your help will be appreciated when I'll start setting up a mini
> vcs-imports test lab :-)

Heh, OK.

> The intent is to be able to reproduce failing vcs-imports locally and/or
> use trunk versions of whatever is needed without having to deploy on

That does sound useful.


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