Things to graph for package-of-the-day work
Jonathan Lange
jml at
Fri Nov 13 06:02:25 GMT 2009
We at the Bazaar sprint have brainstormed a few things that we think
that we should graph to see how the package-of-the-day stuff is being
used on Launchpad, and to see how we should focus our work.
I'll dump the notes here now without much explanation, and will try to
answer any questions promptly. (I'll be at UDS, so grab me there!).
1. Packages with upstream imports
- Number of packages (maybe in an interesting subset)
- Number of these packages with upstream links
- Number of packages that have upstream links that have trunk branches
- Number of packages that have upstream links that have trunk
branches that work
2. Number of bzr-builder recipes
3. Number of people who have made bzr-builder recipes
4. Number of downloads of daily build packages
5. Number of trunk branches that are being built into daily build packages
- Possibly split this by branch type
6. Distribution of number of branches referred to in a recipe
- Number of recipes with one branch
- Number of recipes with two branches
- Number of recipes with three branches
- etc.
7. Number of recipes a branch appears in
- Number of branches that appear in zero recipes
- Number of branches that appear in one recipe
- Number of branches that appear in two recipes
- etc
8. How many recipes build branches that fix bugs that aren't yet fixed in Ubuntu
9. Average[1] latency between build request and build start
For many of these, we probably want to actually measure the first or
second derivative.
Some things we'd like to measure, but are less clear on exactly how:
10. Failure modes
11. Hits on pages related to PPAs / daily build
- Use this to figure out how often people try to get this set up but
give up, maybe.
12. How many upstream projects are officially using daily builds
I don't know how useful this email will be, but at least its out there.
[1] "Average", maybe actually median or quartiles or something.
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