Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Dec 18 17:28:46 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:


    Aaron> That is fine with me, but do you have any comments on
    Aaron> the original issue?

    Aaron> The original discussion was about "down-thread; pull; up-thread -a"
    Aaron> feeling more natural than "pull -d submit:; merge; commit;".  It wasn't
    Aaron> about the advantages of stacks when you have multiple lines of
    Aaron> development, it was about the loom workflow feeling more natural even
    Aaron> when you only had one line of development.

That's not how I understood it, but I've been wrong before :-D

So yes, I find the loom workflow feeling more natural.

But that's not really relevant (to me and IME) when there is a
single line of dev. That's mainly because in that case I
generally don't merge trunk until the submission. And in that
case I do the merge and resolve the conflicts in my integration

The last times I had to merge trunk in these cases was... long
ago and mainly had to do with branches left dormant too long.


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