What is the expected latency between Launchpad importing new Debian source, and the UDD branch updater noticing?

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Fri Dec 4 15:44:27 GMT 2009

On Tue Nov 24 04:55:12 -0500 2009 Max Bowsher wrote:
> What is the expected latency between Launchpad importing new Debian
> source, and the UDD branch updater noticing?

In theory 5 minutes on average, plus the time to do the import and push
back. The aim is that it is a matter of a few minutes.

> If it is less than 6 hours, the lp:debian/sid/subversion import needs
> prodding again.

I saw you re-opened the bug, thanks.

In this case it was that it was missed, rather than it being slow,
and I'm at a loss as to why.

After spending the last few hours debugging this, I'm ashamed to say
it is now fixed. Ashamed? Yes, here's the diff to fix it

- debian = lp.distributions['ubuntu']
+ debian = lp.distributions['debian']

I'll trigger a check of all packages as well, so everything should
come up to date.

subversion goes at the top of the list.



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