your thoughts wanted on bzr team UDD focus

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at
Thu Dec 3 22:01:33 GMT 2009

On December 3, 2009, Martin Pool wrote:
> If there are existing bugs relevant to udd, or you know of
> appropriately concrete and self-contained things that can be filed as
> bugs, then tagging them and/or mentioning them here would be helpful.
> It would give us something to be getting on with.  But I agree the
> larger issues are too broad to make useful bugs now.  (One could have
> placeholder bugs like "work out what to do about X" but I doubt that
> helps.)

Actually, given the workflow you guys seem to favour, I think it might be 
sense. Otherwise, how to do you track and make sure that somebody drives the 
requirements process on these larger issues?

Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at
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