your thoughts wanted on bzr team UDD focus

James Westby jw+debian at
Tue Dec 1 16:29:08 GMT 2009

On Tue Dec 01 03:04:30 -0500 2009 Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> Things we can safely add to this list:
> * add hooks allowing james_w to plug a customized merge for
>   changelog (by the way James, you never recover from your failed
>   demo in the Grand Ball Room, so I've yet to see that script you
>   mentioned ;-)

is one, there are other versions around.

Note that with the merge-package command we don't need the hooks to
be able to do this (though it would be nice to have anyway). I don't
see anything on this list that would move us towards being able
to drop merge-package.



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