your thoughts wanted on bzr team UDD focus

Robert Collins robert.collins at
Tue Dec 1 02:41:37 GMT 2009

On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 02:39 +0100, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 12:19 +1100, Martin Pool wrote: 
> > I'd like to get a sanity check from UDD people on what the Bazaar team
> > is going to do for our 2.1 release, which will have a feature freeze
> > in February and go into Karmic.
> > 
> > From the previous threads, it seems that the main large things we need
> > to do are:
> > 
> >  * get more code imports working -- investigation of failure causes is
> > continuing
> >  * support imports of git submodules or svn externals -- this is not moving yet
> As for bzr-git/bzr-svn support for git submodules / svn externals:
> fwiw git submodules can (as of UDS when I discussed this with Dustin and
> Vincent) now be imported with newer versions of bzr-git, and are
> converted to by-reference nested trees. This will of course only work if
> the target repository supports storing nested trees (e.g. the
> experimental development-subtree format). 

This makes me extremely nervous. The last time a plugin did something
the core didn't /support/, it took us 4 and a half years or so to fix
it, because we were constrained by having lots of data around, and we
didn't get to do the fix that would have been best (and been maybe 10%
smaller on the converted data).

_please please please please_ contribute to bzr's support first, and
only enable this in bzr-git when there is a supported format that does
nested trees.

Until then, I suggest outputting one of:
 - a bzr-builder recipe
 - scm-proj
 - config-manager
 - by-value nested tree.

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