Ubuntu Directory Services

Scheer István istvan at scheer.hu
Thu Apr 30 17:40:13 BST 2009

Dear Gavin!

Thank You for your answer. I'm on that way, but any sample which I've 
seen working
with an empty MySql database.
But now I've a database with few tables and from those I've to serve 
ldap informations.

For this I can't find example. Do You have some ideas?

Best Regards

Gavin Henry írta:
> ----- "Scheer István" <istvan at scheer.hu> wrote:
>> Dear Community!
>> I'm using Ubuntu since 2 years instead of Debian, because it gives 
>> values more faster.
>> But now I'm in a problem: I do'nt want to use fedora directoy service,
>> may be I'll have'nt other way.
>> I've to solve the next problem:
>> I have customer and contact information in an Oracle data view.
>> I've to create ldap information for M$ outlook  from these datas.
>> Is there any solution under ubuntu?
>> Can anyone offer soem possible solution?
> You can use OpenLDAPs SQL backend to expose data in a database. See "man slapd-sql".
> Thanks.

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