
Guido Serra zeph at guidoserra.it
Wed Jun 27 18:51:33 BST 2007

> I subscribed so I could help a bit, but unfortunately I didn't have  
> much
> time to devote.

same for me ;)

> And when I saw "Fedora Directory Server", I kinda got turned off...

same for some friends of mine too :D

> Personally, I don't see what the fuss is all about. Big, bloated Java
> interface, 3 times less performance than OpenLDAP, no out-of-the-box
> support for such basic things as Samba accounts or even uid
> auto-increment.
> On the other hand, I have experimented a bit with Gosa2, and it looks
> like a nice, extendable front-end to OpenLDAP, with possibility for
> pre/post creation scripts, group templates, etc.

i'm one of the 5 developers... :p

> Apart from that, I have made some major Linux deployments with  
> LDAP: on
> average 30,000 users, with low-level services (NFS, Samba, Cups),
> integration with existing servers (Apache/PHP, CMS systems, proxy
> servers) and X-terminal clusters. I worked extensively on different  
> schemas to have a complete setup.
> Typically, all these systems were installed on Mandriva (I'm an
> ex-Mandrake employee), but now I have converted to Ubuntu and I'm
> looking for ways to contribute to the project. However, the mailing  
> list
> is pretty dead, as well as the wiki...

yes... well, the possibility i thought was to port Gosa^2 to this  
project... but...
i need indications... is there a repository? a toolchain?

some friends (reading this list) are making modifications to packages  
in Debian ETCH using debconf... probably that's the only way of  
working on that stuff

let me know,
any idea? others?

Guido Serra aka Zeph
+39 348 4313 992

sistemista e sviluppatore

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