Call for nominations for the Technical Board and Membership Board

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Dec 3 22:50:38 UTC 2024

Discourse post here:

I'm Robie Basak (IRC: rbasak; Launchpad:
[racb]( I'd also like to stand again for
the Technical Board.

I've been using GNU/Linux since the late nineties, professionally as a
sysadmin since 2001, Ubuntu as a power user/developer since about 2005,
and have been working on Ubuntu itself since I joined Canonical in 2011.
My first sponsored upload to Ubuntu was in 2011, I became an uploader in
2013, and a Core Dev in 2014. I've served on the DMB and SRU teams since
2016, and the Technical Board since 2020. I'm also a Debian Developer
since 2018.

I'll be leaving Canonical at the end of January. I don't expect to be
working full time on Ubuntu itself any more, but I will continue to be
involved. If I am re-elected, I will continue this role in a personal
capacity from February.

Since I've been around a while you can judge me on my past performance.
You will have seen that I'm active. I don't just show up to vote; when I
think something needs fixing, I start a discussion in the appropriate
public forum, achieve consensus, and fix it as appropriate according to
that consensus. I don't mind if the consensus didn't match my original
opinion. I don't avoid difficult or contentious topics. The harder
problems need much more time and perseverance to solve, and I happily
tackle these too.

To help you measure my past performance, here's my [platform from
2020][1] and [from 2022][2]. My opinions from those previous platforms
still stand.

Some things I'm proud to have achieved recently:

* The [policy on third party software sources][3], which brings clarity
  to users and sets expectations on how snaps should interact with apt
  and the Ubuntu (deb) archive, default Ubuntu installations, and build

* The [new SRU documentation][4] which is part of my bigger effort to
  properly fix the common mismatch in expectations between uploaders and
  the SRU team.

* Like Alex I also helped staff the core dev office hours booth at the
  Summit, along with Lena and others. This led to an interview on [Ask
  Noah][5], representing the Technical Board. I think I represented
  Ubuntu well there, but please judge for yourself!

Thank you for considering me!

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