+1 maintenance report

Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Sat Jun 10 00:19:04 UTC 2023

On Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 06:20:55PM +0100, Danilo Egea Gondolfo wrote:
> I had a shorter week with some Netplan distractions but here we go:
> 1. delve
> FTBFS due to the installed bpftool not matching the running kernel version.
> I tried to workaround this by calling bpftool directly from
> /usr/lib/linux-tools-.
> It kinda worked but the build still fails for a different reason. It needs
> more work.
> See LP: #2021481
> 2. bpftrace
> FTBFS on armhf. The problem apparently is a gcc bug.
> I created a patch with a workaround and asked the upstream project about
> the issue.
> See: LP: #2023173
> Also submitted to Debian #1037185
> Github discussion
> https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace/pull/2360#discussion_r1223534659
> 3. cbmc
> FTBFS on all architectures.
> The compiler is catching some errors I believe are false positives.
> There are some optional<T> variables that it says are MAYBE uninitialized.
> I added -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized to the CXX FLAGS and it fixed
> the build on amd64. It's now failing for a different reason on the other
> archs.
> LP: #2023276
> 4. pistache
> FTBFS on all architectures except riscv
> One of the unit tests tries to resolve an address via DNS and fails
> because the builder doesn't have access to the internet I suppose.
> It's not failing on Debian's CI.
> A patch was submitted to the upstream project
> https://github.com/pistacheio/pistache/pull/1134
> LP: #2023274
> 5. ctffind
> FTBFS on non-x86 architectures
> It uses x86 assembly inline. I implemented an alternative code calling
> sinf() and cosf() from the libc instead on non-x86 systems.
> LP: #2023288
> Debian bug: #1037227
> The patch was accepted by Debian and is already synced to Ubuntu.
> 6. elinks:
> FTBFS on s390x
> A tool used during tests, sgml-parser, is crashing. There is a
> use-after-free issue
> in the code that is not making it crash on other architectures.
> One can see it by using valgrind or compiling elinks with address sanitizer.
> See: LP: 2023305
> I also reported the problem upstream:
> https://github.com/rkd77/elinks/issues/235
> 7. libopenmpt
> Autopkgtests failing
> The test will build a C file that emits some deprecation warnings.
> This is causing the test to fail.
> LP: #2023406
> It was already reported to Debian: #1037007

I'm publicly mentioning this as it is the second time (today!) I've seen
somebody not add a bug watch[1] to a bug which affects both Debian and

Basically, a bug watch will monitor the upstream bug report (status and
comments depending on the bug tracker) in the remote tracker and update
the bug task's status in Launchpad. This makes it much easier for future
travellers to see what is going on with the bug in other bug trackers.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Watches

Happy Friday!
Brian Murray

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