+1 maintenance shift (07/AUG - 11/AUG)

Shengjing Zhu shengjing.zhu at canonical.com
Sat Aug 12 11:17:38 UTC 2023

On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 5:40 AM Andreas Hasenack <andreas at canonical.com> wrote:
> I spent the whole afternoon today trying to get an arm64 mantic VM to
> troubleshoot this (it has to be a VM), but that was very difficult.
> canonistack isn't an option. My raspberry pi4 fails to launch a lxd VM
> (similar to https://github.com/canonical/lxd/issues/7191, but
> disabling secureboot didn't help: ~LXD is investigating).

I really like the "Debian Quick Image Baker pre-baked images"

You just need to download a ZIP archive, and it even contains the
complicated qemu command to run.

Has someone tried to port it to Ubuntu? Or do we have similar tools?

Shengjing Zhu

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