Ubuntu Error Tracker data retention

Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Thu May 12 20:38:38 UTC 2022

The Ubuntu Error Tracker receives crash reports from all releases of
Ubuntu which are not out of standard support. These crash reports are
then aggregated into buckets where some meta-information (package
version and release of Ubuntu) about those crash reports is collected.
The crash data in the Ubuntu Error Tracker is kept until the release
reaches its end of standard support, however not all the data from each
individual crash gets scrubbed and there is still some detailed
information for crashes from releases as old as Ubuntu 12.04.

I plan on changing this policy so that all the information from
individual crash reports (basically what is in the .crash file) is
removed when the release reaches its end of standard support. That would
mean that all the information for crashes from Ubuntu 21.10 would be
removed in July of 2022 and for Ubuntu 18.04 it would be removed in
April of 2023. Keeping in mind that a crash bucket would still indicate
that old release and package version were affected are there any
objections to this change in data retention?

Brian Murray

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