Nominations: Developer Membership Board

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Wed Mar 16 00:09:53 UTC 2022

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 12:00:00AM +0000, Robie Basak wrote:
> The following five nominations have been received to fill the three
> vacant seats on the Developer Membership Board.

In this email I'm speaking for myself and not for the DMB or the TB.

It's great that we're doing so much better proportionally in nominees
this time. I think we need this to keep the DMB healthy (or indeed
restore its health). So many thanks to all the nominees.

On the other hand I think it's a real shame that the process means that
we're going to turn down two volunteers, when they've gone to the
trouble of publicly stepping up to help out.

There will be further elections soon, as the terms of four incumbent DMB
members expire on 2022-05-12. I would like to strongly encourage the two
unsuccessful nominees to stand again at that time, whoever they end up

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