rsyslog trigger?

Andreas Hasenack andreas at
Wed Jul 20 13:49:42 UTC 2022


I was working on a few packages that had bugs related to rsyslog
logging, and noticed that they don't seem to restart or reload rsyslog
after they install a config snippet in /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf.

For example, haproxy even has this note in its README.Debian:
The default HAProxy configuration in Debian uses /dev/log for logging and
ships an rsyslog snippet that creates /dev/log in HAProxy's chroot and logs all
HAProxy messages to /var/log/haproxy.log. To take advantage of this, you must
restart rsyslog after installing this package.
I checked a few others and the only restart/reload I see is in the
logrotation, which might not even kick in if there is no log file yet,
or if it's empty.

Would it make sense to use dpkg triggers to restart rsyslog everytime
a file is updated in /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf?

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