+1 maintenance report

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at canonical.com
Sat Oct 16 02:16:35 UTC 2021

For release week, with stuff mostly in freeze I opted to focus time on a
few of the older update-excuse issues to help move them forward.  This
was a rather short +1 week for me anyway due to holidays, meetings, and
other competing end-of-release priorities.  I'll be doing migration work
the next few weeks anyway for the php 8.1 transition, so can followup

[LP: #1937256]  paperwork: autopkgtest armhf regression: Libinsane

Registered upstream project, and added link to the upstream bug that
Graham identified.  Upstream has reproduced and is actively working on
it.  Meanwhile, Debian has implemented a workaround in their 2.0.3-2

I did a syncpackage on it, but it was too late for inclusion in impish.
However, it got accepted to jammy-proposed, and I believe it should pass
on its own.  Once it does, this bug can be closed.

[LP: #1915312] dub:  autopkgtest regression and gcc-11 FTBFS

Verified the suggested patch builds locally.  Packaged it in a PPA.
Once freeze lifts, this can be retargeted to JJ and uploaded.

[LP: #1918287] node-pbkdf2:  autopkgtest fails in hirsute on s390x for 3.1.1-1

Registered upstream project, and added link to the upstream bug that
Balint filed.  No activity by upstream so far.

I retriggered the test on the off chance it works now, as the last test
run was against hirsute.

[LP: #1937173, #1932313] breezy:  FTBFS breezy 3.2.1-1

breezy has been failing its upstream testsuite for quite a while,
and it has been blocking several other packages from migrating, like
breezy-debian and lintian-brush.

A number of us +1'ers have been chipping away at this, narrowing the
problem to some changes in import behavior with python 3.9.5; I devoted
the remainder of my week chasing down solutions to the rest of the test
failures.  There's still one error I don't quite understand, that has to
do with overridden import logic, which I suspect is a weird enough
corner case that we can just skip until upstream has a chance to sort it
out properly.

I'm going to hold off on uploading the fixed breezy until the archive
opens up more fully, so I can test against jammy's python version.


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