eBPF support in HWE kernels + userland changes needed

Rafael David Tinoco rafaeldtinoco at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 17:52:29 UTC 2021

>> - #1 = Ubuntu HWE kernels aren't being compiled with BTF support, something that is critical for eBPF CO-RE, turning an eBPF object portable among different kernel versions.
>> https://github.com/aquasecurity/btfhub/issues/9
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1926330
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1949286
> Hi Rafael,
> glad to "see" you.
> It seems pahole is only a build time dependency to enable the kernel
> to be able to build this dwarf info.
> If it is indeed build-time only then it does not need to pass the MIR process.
> As long as the kernel team is happy with using it at build time to
> generate this extra data you should be fine.

Hey Christian! Thanks for the reply. Yep, it turns out that kernel team was quicker and I was the one that missed the SRUs. They've done better, preparing pahole 1.21 as SRU for Focal and Bionic:

 dwarves-dfsg | 1.21-0ubuntu1~18.04 | bionic-proposed/universe | source
 dwarves-dfsg | 1.21-0ubuntu1~20.04 | focal-updates/universe   | source
 dwarves-dfsg | 1.21-0ubuntu1~21.04 | hirsute-updates/universe | source
 dwarves-dfsg | 1.21-0ubuntu1       | impish/universe          | source
 dwarves-dfsg | 1.21-0ubuntu1       | jammy/universe           | source

xnox told me he is working in having BTF enabled for 5.4 and 5.8 kernels by EOY (which is very nice for us).

Thanks a lot everyone, sorry for the noise if any, hopefully it will also help others dealing with eBPF. I'll close the bugs I created.


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