+1 maintenance report

Rik Mills rikmills at kubuntu.org
Fri May 29 10:12:41 UTC 2020

On 29/05/2020 06:14, Steve Langasek wrote:> After roughly a week or so
of the baton being passed between folks on +1
> maintenance rotation, as of today the perl/re2/gdal/gsl/hdf5/qt/pdl/etc
> transition has finally completed, comprising 416 packages (out of a
total of
> 467 packages which were candidates) that have migrated as a group to the
> release pocket.

I would like to say a big thank you to Steve, Michael, and all others
for helping with this. Last couple of days I did some rebuilds of rdeps
of qhull, poked some riscv64 build failures, and retried various tests
in the transition, but did not realistically expect migration to happen
for some time yet.

This means I can now get on with making some serious progress for
Kubuntu (and now Studio as they use KDE Plasma), merging KDE frameworks
from unstable as they are now rarely at version parity with us, and
getting new KDE plasma 5.19 ready. The latter needs 2 new source package
uploads which are not in debian yet, and may not be for some time, so
forewarning that I will likely be pestering AAs for reviews ;).


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