Auto-transition trackers

Dimitri John Ledkov xnox at
Thu Feb 13 23:30:09 UTC 2020

In debian, they have a thing called auto-transition tracker which
attempts to identify a change of library ABIs and automatically create
a ben transition tracker.

I have started to manually run that, and commit the trackers to our instance.

At first It identified a few tiny (~10) transitions, which were
partially incomplete. And I uploaded them straight away.

I have now did a new run, and there were a few transitions dropped
(migrated) and a few new ones added.

Now the interesting bit about the auto-* transition trackers are those
that are 100% complete, yet not migrating => it means that set of
packages is most likely not-installable as a whole or has autopkgtest
regressions. Thus they are very good targets for investigation as a
whole. As one might be able to fix a few regressions and get 10+
packages migrate from -proposed to release pocket.

I hope we can drive all auto-* transition trackers to completion soon enough!

If you want help, guidance or sponsorship in completing any of the
auto-* transitions to migrate, feel free to reach out to me.

The exact way i run auto-transitions is this:
git clone
cd auto-transition/
mkdir -p output/finished output/ongoing output/planned
python2 ./ ../ubuntu-cdimage/ftp/dists/focal
../ubuntu-cdimage/ftp/dists/focal-proposed output/
(I am pretending that focal is testing & unstable, and focal-proposed
is experimental)

Then rm all the auto-linux-*, rm all the auto-* trackers in our
tracker config repo, and move all new trackers to ongoing.

Ideally I hope to run this automatically on ~ubuntu-archive reports
machine, and ideally point testing to focal, point sid to something
that has appropriately merged focal&focal-proposed, and point
experimental at debian experimental, since this way we will see
upcomming transitions properly.



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