[ubuntu-studio-devel] i386 architecture will be dropped starting with eoan (Ubuntu 19.10)

Luigino Bracci lbracci at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 15:33:53 UTC 2019

I also disagree with this decision. In my country, there is A LOT of
hardware (minilaptops, old computers) with just 1 GB of RAM; those
computers have 64-bit CPUs, but we recommend installing 32-bit distros on
them, because the performance of a 64-bit distribution in 1 GB of RAM is
disappointing; it's too slow because applications compiled for 64-bit eat
more memory. Most people just can't pay the RAM upgrade to 2 GB or 4 GB
(that upgrade costs one month of sallary in many countries).

GNU/Linux is the natural option in developing countries. The government of
my country gave 2,6 millions of minilaptops to children in the last 8
years, all with 1 GB of RAM and a Debian-based 32-bit Linux distro.

I apologize for the rudeness of what I'm going to say, but stop creating
32-bit distributions is a decision that seems taken by people living in New
York, having computers with 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSDs, and believing that
the rest of the world lives like them.


El vie., 21 de jun. de 2019 a la(s) 10:53, Erich Eickmeyer (
erich at ericheickmeyer.com) escribió:

> Hello Steve,
> >Last year, the Ubuntu developer community considered the question of
> whether
> >to continue carrying forward the i386 architecture in the Ubuntu
> archive for
> >future releases.[1]  The discussion at the time was inconclusive, but in
> >light of the strong possibility that we might not include i386 as a
> release
> >architecture in 20.04 LTS, we took the proactive step to disable upgrades
> >from 18.04 to 18.10 for i386 systems[2], to avoid accidentally stranding
> >users on an interim release with 9 months of support instead of letting
> them
> >continue to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with its 5 years of standard support.
> >
> >In February of this year, I also posted to communicate the timeline in
> which
> >we would take a final decision about i386 support in 20.04 LTS[3], namely,
> >that we would decide in the middle of 2019.
> >
> >The middle of 2019 has now arrived.   The Ubuntu engineering team has
> >reviewed the facts before us and concluded that we should not continue to
> >carry i386 forward as an architecture.   Consequently, i386 will not be
> >included as an architecture for the 19.10 release, and we will shortly
> begin
> >the process of disabling it for the eoan series across Ubuntu
> >infrastructure.
> >
> >While this means we will not provide 32-bit builds of new upstream
> versions
> >of libraries, there are a number of ways that 32-bit applications can
> >continue to be made available to users of later Ubuntu releases, as
> detailed
> >in [4].   We will be working to polish the 32-bit support story over the
> >course of the 19.10 development cycle.  To follow the evolution of this
> >support, you can participate in the discourse thread at [5].
> >
> >[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-May/040310.html
> >[2]
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/1:18.10.10
> >[3]
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2019-February/040598.html
> >[4] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-May/040348.html
> >[5]
> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/i386-architecture-will-be-dropped-starting-with-eoan-ubuntu-19-10/11263/2
> It took me a while to reach this decision, but I believe my response is
> in order.
> I really wish the flavor leads had been consulted prior to this decision
> being made. You yourself even sponsored a package back in March that is
> directly affected by this decision.
> One of the biggest features of Carla being in the repositories is that
> it allows a WINE Bridge for Windows-based VST plugins, the vast majority
> of which are STILL compiled in 32-bit. Without 32-bit support, this
> feature is dead. This makes converting to Ubuntu Studio from Windows
> especially hard on those who rely on Windows VST plugins, the vast
> majority for which there is no Linux alternative. If this WINE bridge
> disappears due to this decision, so does a large part of our user base.
> We're talking a huge chunk of professional recording studios and artists
> that would rather not be running Windows.
> I understand this decision has been made, but with my Ubuntu Studio
> Project Leader hat on, I can say that this is an extreme disservice to
> our user base and community. If it's possible to reconsider this
> decision at this point, I urge you to do so.
> Best regards,
> Erich Eickmeyer
> ----
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Project Leader
> Ubuntu Studio
> ubuntustudio.org
> --
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