Server team 20150317 meeting notes

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at
Thu Mar 19 01:52:51 UTC 2015

To see the agenda and irc logs you can go to

The documentation string freeze is coming up, and with the transition to
systemd there may be many required updates, so everyone please take a look over
the current Server guide

There are a few unassigned high priority server bugs - one in mysql, one in
tomcat7, and one in landscape-client which should be fixed in upstream
cloud-init. juju-core has a high priority bug to support systemd.

The kernel team is tacking down a nested kvm bug which appears to affect older
(12.04) hosts with newer (14.10) guests.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 24th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

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