Introducing sbuild-launchpad-chroot

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed Oct 23 07:53:07 UTC 2013

Stéphane Graber [2013-10-21 18:45 -0400]:
> That's pretty much my plan, find a way to get schroot to interface with
> LXC (or just unshare the netns directly). Need something a bit more
> clever than just blocking access completely though since you still want
> to grab the build-depends, but passing a socket to a small proxy would
> be a way, creating a veth pair would be another (and using iptables to
> block non-archive traffic).

Or just calling dpkg-buildpackage within sbuild through unshare -n?

(Thanks for this awesome tool, BTW!)

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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