Mir & Unity8 UI weekly May 10, 2013

Kevin Gunn kevin.gunn at canonical.com
Fri May 10 21:39:12 UTC 2013

Hi all,
hope all finds you well.
Please find the Mir/Unity8 UI team weeklies
Note, UnityNext is now being referred to as Unity8

*Unity8 & Mir Weekly Report**
*May 10, 2013*

*Current Team Theme*

  * Integrate Unity8 onto Mir
      o Improve Unity8 testing & code cleanup post MWC
      o Mir build out to support Unity8
  * As always  live action here
      o https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-ui-iteration-0
      o https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-mir-phone-iteration-0
      o and all the dependent blueprints

*Acheived this week**

  * Mir
      o Surface states, sw cursor, & HWC 1.0 (a la android ICS) support
      o Input fully enabled by default
      o Some run of the mill android/display logging added
      o LightDM integration updates/cleanup
      o Surface moving, in process egl for android, & surface stack
        ordering  MP'd
      o Grab bag of dead code removal, simplification of shell example
        code & some bug fixes around egl client buffers & cpu pixel formats
      o Supported Unity integration on Mir, creating Unity-mir layer
  * Unity8 UI
      o Landed user story for closing apps from Apps lens
      o MP'd user story for indicator access from locked screen
      o Completed design reviews around hud, launcher, greeter story &
        some of dash
      o HUD: Implemented highlight query results, removed app stack &
        removed app quit
      o First development of unity on mir! only on desktop working on
        arm build
      o Infographic per design implemented & integrated with backend, to
        be MP'd
      o Notification fully integrated & functioning on backend, still in
        MP review
      o Landed our generic framework for front end/back end interface
      o began work on clock & calendar picker for Indicator (to be
        donated to SDK)
      o began proto work on shell-vs-app input event handling

*Shooting for next week*

  * Mir
      o Land surface stack order, in process egl for android, & surface
      o continue work supporting Unity-mir
      o Begin work on composition bypass
      o complete definition & begin work on hardening/stress tests for Mir
  * Unity8 UI 
      o Continue shell-mir integration work
      o Work on design sign off for notifications
      o Iterate on Infographics visuals with design
      o Continue date/time picker widgets
      o Initiate design-engineering iteration for updates for indicators
      o Work on launcher edge hints & folding icons
      o Land phablet greeter in lightdm flow (includes no-password or
        one-password login, user backgrounds, and demo infographics)
      o just waiting for some MP's to close out, but expect to close out
        our testing coverage bp
          + https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-ui-testing

*Risks and Issues*

  * ongoing changes from usability testing/design iterations, need to
    lock down by june

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