Accompanying a new generation of developers

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Tue Mar 26 16:28:41 UTC 2013

Hello everybody,

The Ubuntu Developer Advisory Team has been in place for two or three
release cycles already and it’s been a fun journey so far. We’ve got in
touch with many many new contributors and old contributors as well. If
you don’t know what this team does, here’s what our wiki page has to say:

 * Reach out to new contributors, thank them for their work and get
 * Reach out to people who might be ready to apply for upload rights
   and help them.
 * Reach out to contributors that went inactive and get feedback from
   them and offer help.

I personally found this very rewarding as I got to talk to many new
contributors and see how they feel about Ubuntu Development.

You can help!

If the above sounds interesting to you and you enjoy engaging socially,
if you have made a few experiences in Ubuntu Development and want to
help out, please talk to me. It’d be great to have you on board!

Have a great day,

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