Precise proposed packages and upload queue

Philip Wyett philip.wyett at
Fri Mar 22 23:43:59 UTC 2013

On Fri, 2013-03-22 at 23:40 +0000, Philip Wyett wrote:
> Hi all,
> Do we have an issue with precise uploads and builds? I am personally
> waiting for the mesa-lts-quantal 9.0.3, but it has been stuck in the
> upload queue for now over 24 hours.
> I do see on:
> we have the nvidia-cuda-toolkit with dep issues and it is sat in the
> upload queue:

Not with dep issues (Was looking at another issue). But in proposed but
has yet to be built.

> Does this need to be rectified or am I missing something?
> Regards
> Phil Wyett

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