latest/current symlinks

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Wed Mar 20 09:56:10 UTC 2013

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:02:30AM +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> for the nexus7 desktop images where automated testing only partially
> works i established a manually copied "last-good-image" symlink instead:
> where i currently copy an image in place that has been confirmed to work
> by a manual tester (due to the manual testing aspect this is always
> horridly outdated indeed, but it helps if all three dailies are broken).
> probably that naming would be less confusing (it also has the advantage
> that "current" doesn't really change its meaning)

I deliberately changed the meaning of "current".  We want to encourage
human testers to use the last smoke-tested build, not the last build
that happened to come off the production line.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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