Minutes from Developer Membership Board Meeting 2013-01-07

Micah Gersten micahg at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 21 16:51:55 UTC 2013

On 01/09/2013 01:15 PM, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le 09/01/2013 09:13, Cody A.W. Somerville a écrit :
>> == PerPackageUploader Applications ==
>> === Bjoern Michaelsen for libreoffice ===
>> LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BjoernMichaelsen/DeveloperApplication
>> VOTE: For: 2 Against: 1 Undecided: 2
>> Application was unsuccessful.
> Hey DMB people,
> I've been reading the meeting log and I'm slightly worried that the
> DMB is currently making too hard for contributors to be part of the
> project.
> Bjoern has been doing good and hard work on an important package
> (libreoffice) for over 1.5 years, he got strong endorsement from 3
> coredevs and he has been getting in touch with some of the DMB member
> before applying again (his application got rejected already 6 months
> or so ago) and yet that's not enough for him to get ppu on the package
> he's working.
> The DMB members who didn't want to +1 his applications mentioned those
> reasons:
> - "-1, lack of devel release uploads, still problems with with some
> uploads"
> - "+0 lack of devel release uploads"
> - "+0 [I don't like the idea that we should grant PPU just because
> nobody wants to actually take the time to review this package..."
> I've asked on IRC and apparently "lack of devel release uploads" is
> because e.g quantal didn't get SRUs from the current versions.
> Since when is that a reason to not welcome somebody on board?
> Especially when the reason for that is "maintaining the current stable
> is enough for one people full time" ... how is that situation even
> resolvable, libreoffice is not going to be magically less work to
> maintain over time?
> The "nobody wants to actually take the time to review this package"
> seems misinformed, the wiki has 3 coredevs vouching for Bjoern who
> have sponsored work for him. I will not speak for pitti and didrocks
> but I've been reviewing the packages I sponsored, I probably didn't do
> a perfect job of it is a complex piece of packaging and I'm not
> familiar with its details.
> Could the DMB provides feedback on how to unblock that application?
> Since it's re-election time for part of the DMB soon, it would also be
> nice to know what the people, who are going to (re)apply for it, think
> of this situation and if they intend to bring some changes to how the
> board is running if they get elected
Upload rights at the moment conflate membership and upload rights.
Therefore, the board has to evaluate the qualifications for both. We do
not, in general, feel that it is fair to publicly enumerate the issues
we have with individual applications, preferring to express our public
concerns in general terms and be more specific in private. We will be
sending Bjoern an E-Mail explaining our concerns and ways that he can
address them.
If he wants, he can choose to share it with anyone after that.

It is not an easy job sitting on a governance board. You're responsible
for evaluating the work of friends and, sometimes, co-workers. While
trying not to hurt feelings or block people's ability to do things, one
also has a responsibility to put personal feelings aside and to consider
the applications received in the context of the wider project.

We always try to be constructive when giving rejections, but it is a
difficult area that we will always be able to improve on. We never take
any decision lightly — especially not rejections — as we are aware of
the negativity they can generate. Most of us are readily available to
discuss and guide applicants. Please find us [1] on IRC if you have any

Micah Gersten
On behalf of the DMB

[1] https://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members

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