Minutes from Developer Membership Board Meeting 2013-01-07
Sebastien Bacher
seb128 at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 9 19:15:22 UTC 2013
Le 09/01/2013 09:13, Cody A.W. Somerville a écrit :
> == PerPackageUploader Applications ==
> === Bjoern Michaelsen for libreoffice ===
> LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BjoernMichaelsen/DeveloperApplication
> VOTE: For: 2 Against: 1 Undecided: 2
> Application was unsuccessful.
Hey DMB people,
I've been reading the meeting log and I'm slightly worried that the DMB
is currently making too hard for contributors to be part of the project.
Bjoern has been doing good and hard work on an important package
(libreoffice) for over 1.5 years, he got strong endorsement from 3
coredevs and he has been getting in touch with some of the DMB member
before applying again (his application got rejected already 6 months or
so ago) and yet that's not enough for him to get ppu on the package he's
The DMB members who didn't want to +1 his applications mentioned those
- "-1, lack of devel release uploads, still problems with with some uploads"
- "+0 lack of devel release uploads"
- "+0 [I don't like the idea that we should grant PPU just because
nobody wants to actually take the time to review this package..."
I've asked on IRC and apparently "lack of devel release uploads" is
because e.g quantal didn't get SRUs from the current versions.
Since when is that a reason to not welcome somebody on board? Especially
when the reason for that is "maintaining the current stable is enough
for one people full time" ... how is that situation even resolvable,
libreoffice is not going to be magically less work to maintain over time?
The "nobody wants to actually take the time to review this package"
seems misinformed, the wiki has 3 coredevs vouching for Bjoern who have
sponsored work for him. I will not speak for pitti and didrocks but I've
been reviewing the packages I sponsored, I probably didn't do a perfect
job of it is a complex piece of packaging and I'm not familiar with its
Could the DMB provides feedback on how to unblock that application?
Since it's re-election time for part of the DMB soon, it would also be
nice to know what the people, who are going to (re)apply for it, think
of this situation and if they intend to bring some changes to how the
board is running if they get elected
Sebastien Bacher
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