Debian Sync - Re: Let's Discuss Interim Releases (and a Rolling Release)
Steve Langasek
steve.langasek at
Thu Feb 28 19:54:29 UTC 2013
Hi Scott,
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 02:23:14PM -0500, Scott Howard wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs
> <dmitrij.ledkov at> wrote:
> > But just like debian we know have britney, together with many
> > automatic adt tests which we run on all reverse dependencies in
> > jenkins. Uploading beta version of software into sid has never been
> > welcomed and by default it gets released versions of software. Thus
> > I'd expect our devel release to be more stable than testing.
> I'm a little worried about library transitions. Just because reverse
> dependencies build doesn't mean the new library version is binary
> compatible with the previous. Debian is careful and thorough in
> transition monitoring, but I occasionally find that libraries are
> updated in Ubuntu while missing rebuilds on depending packages. I only
> find out after a user submits a bug (e.g. [1]).
> Will the rolling distribution import from unstable even though
> unstable may be in the middle of a transition?
My current sense is that overall, it's better to continue importing from
unstable just as we generally do now.
Bear in mind that the change made in raring to stage uploads in
raring-proposed first, and only copy to raring after everything is
consistent (using Debian's "britney" tool as the gatekeeper) means that
users of raring proper are shielded from these library transition problems.
This was a deliberate benefit of implementing britney support.
I don't quite understand what that bug report is about or how that relates
to a library transition. If this had been a proper library *transition*,
the "isn't working in raring" wouldn't be part of the bug description.
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer
slangasek at vorlon at
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