Acoustic Models for HUD

Ted Gould ted at
Wed Feb 27 02:53:29 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-02-26 at 15:45 +0100, Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals

> Am Montag, 25. Februar 2013 schrieb Ted Gould :
>         In the demo images we're using Julius, but we've gotten a lot
>         of help from the Sphinx list this week to make it much better.
> Aha. So is their performance comparable? (Back when I tried them out
> Julius worked much better for me, but I didn't look into any kind of
> tuning -and I didn't even have much of a clue of what I was
> doing :p-).

We were clearly in the same state as we did get better performance with
Julius.  But a little help from the experts has gone a long way :-)

> Here at university Kaldi has been recommended as the open-source
> implementation of choice, but I haven't got around to looking into it
> yet. Do you have any experience with it to share?

No, I haven't looked into it enough to have a solid opinion.


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