Proposing a New App Developer Upload Process

Rick Spencer rick.spencer at
Tue Sep 4 23:44:10 UTC 2012

David, et al ...

Thanks for the hard word and driving to such detail.

I think the foundation of most of this work is the section on
application sandboxing. If we can make it much less likely that a
poorly written or out and out malicious application will bite users,
than we will have a lot more freedom to automate the process. This, in
turn, will allow us to let application developers reach users and
update their applications in a way that makes sense for their apps and
their users, without needing a third party (us!) to get in between.

Until we have the sandboxing in place, I don't think that there is
really much we can do dramatically improve this situation. As such, I
think sandboxing should to be a high priority for 13.04.

Cheers, Rick

PS: For dorky reasons, I prefer the term "application insulation" to

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