Server Team 20121009 meeting minutes
robie.basak at
robie.basak at
Tue Oct 9 17:47:21 UTC 2012
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== Meeting Actions ====
* ACTION: jamespage and Ursinha to look into aligning release team and server
team tracking reports
* ACTION: jamespage to provide info to hggdh about how to run iSCSI and MAAS
tests for the ISO
==== Release Bugs ====
* Launchpad bug 1064420 in horizon (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu theme in Horizon dashboard
causes formatting issues" [Critical,Triaged]
* adam_g hears that the new theme is done and ready for packaging. He will
upload it this morning if it hasn't already been uploaded.
* Launchpad bug 978963 in keystone (Ubuntu Precise) "add release note that
OpenStack should be used on a protected network" [High,Triaged]
* jamespage will look at this.
* Launchpad bug 1049305 in glance (Ubuntu) "package glance-registry
2012.1.3+stable~20120821-120fcf-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-
processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saÃda de erro
1" [High,New]
* adam_g hasn't been able to reproduce this, so, so we'll drop it from
tracking until it gets confirmed.
* Launchpad bug 1050595 in lowmem (Ubuntu Quantal) "Ubuntu Server installation
with 128M ram hangs" [High,In progress]
* cjwatson is still looking at this and will hand assign it to jamespage when
it is ready for documentation.
* Launchpad bug 1053770 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Quantal) "ubuntu-server install
takes up too much space" [High,Confirmed]
* jamespage will take care of this.
* Launchpad bug 1046340 in ntp (Ubuntu) "ntp package missing logcheck
exceptions file /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/ntp" [Medium,New]
* Unassigned; deferred to next week.
* Launchpad bug 1059907 in nova (Ubuntu) "python-nova depends on python-
setuptools-git?" [Low,Confirmed]
* Low priority; deferred to next week.
==== Release Tracking Bug Tasks ====
* If these bugs are not fixed in trunk at this point (some of them are) then
they're not getting fixed before SRU. smoser will re-target tasks as
appropriate, or mark them Won't Fix.
==== Blueprints ====
* adam_g and zul will to start to postpone servercloud-q-openstack-charms and
servercloud-q-openstack-qa and add them into R blueprints.
==== Ubuntu Server Team Events ====
* UDS is in a few weeks, in Copenhagen.
==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) ====
* smb hoped that he has resolved Launchpad bug 1021471 in Linux "clone() hang
when creating new network namespace (dmesg show unregister_netdevice: waiting
for lo to become free. Usage count = 2)" [High,Confirmed]
==== Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak) ====
* rbasak reports that MAAS on ARM is ready and noted that a couple of caveats
are described in the maas-devel archives.
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
The next meeting will be at Tue, 16 Oct 2012 16:00:00 +0000.
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