CoC Version 2.0 has been released

Charles Profitt indigo196 at
Mon Nov 19 17:38:33 UTC 2012

A Code of Conduct is an important guiding document. It forms the basis for how an organization operates internally and externally. Writing a code of conduct is a long and difficult process especially when an organization is composed of people from varied cultures around the globe.

Over the past two cycles the Community Council has put in a great deal of effort to merge the original Code of Conduct with the very important Leadership Code of Conduct so that the document more clearly communicates the guiding principals the community has. That work has involved two in-person sessions; one at UDS-Q and one at UDS-R. It has also involved two drafts being shared with the community in an effort to seek feedback. Every effort was made to clear up ambigous language or phrases that posed difficulty to translations.

The Community Council would like to thank all the community contributors that offered their voices to the review process. Your varied perspectives helped us identify areas that needed refinement and polish. Your passion energized us to push through the difficult work of putting in to words the guiding core values of our community.

Here is the summary of the changes. 

 - merged CoC and LCoC, factored in diversity statement too
 - generalised it, so other communities can more easily make use of it
 - mention CC-BY-SA 3.0 license
 - generally reduced duplication
 - make it clear that everybody can take action, there's no need to wait for formal recognition
 - explain governance principles
 - concrete leadership guidelines: added paragraphs about courage, considerateness and decisiveness

The current version can be found here:

Thank you again to all the fantastic community contributors who assisted in crafting the current final document.

Charles Profitt on behalf of the Ubuntu Community Council

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