[nexus7] glx support disabled for tegra?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 12 10:28:17 UTC 2012

Am Sonntag, den 11.11.2012, 11:06 -0800 schrieb ubuntu-devel at iamsrp.com:
> Hi,
> I recently installed the Ubuntu Nexus 7 beta image on my tablet. Whilst playing
> around trying to get a few things to work I noticed the following in
> /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/61-tegra-gpu.conf:
>   # Disable extensions not useful on Tegra.
>   Section "Module"
>       Disable     "dri"
>       Disable     "dri2"
>       Disable     "glx"
>       SubSection  "extmod"
>           Option  "omit xfree86-dga"
>       EndSubSection
>   EndSection
> which was preventing OpenGL stuff from working. After commenting it out things
> like glxgears were able to run fine. (Though it looks like they are probably
> rendering in software judging by the framerates.)
> Was there a reason why glx was marked as disabled?

well, there is no actual GLX on 99.9% of the ARM SoCs, so as you noticed
it only does SW rendering in that case. the config comes from nvidia and
was taken into the package directly. indeed upstream cant assume that
you have mesa's GLX installed and working in your distro so they simply
disabled GLX completely. would you mind filing a bug about that ? i'll
happily make the config change.

btw, to actually test the accelerated 3D stuff with GLES, use es2gears
or glmark2-es2, both are preinstalled on the nexus7 image (together with
the es2_info tool, the equivalent to glxinfo)

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