[Fwd: Changes to work items in Launchpad]

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at canonical.com
Thu Mar 15 15:40:07 UTC 2012

Hi Developers,

   The Linaro and Launchpad team are rolling out the native work items
capability in Launchpad this week.  For more details on this cool new
feature, see the attached email.   This is going to enable lots of
interesting new capabilities going forward (launchpad team has usability
studies and prototyping currently in progress),  so more announcements
on this subject will emerge over time.  

   For the 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin" release,  the Ubuntu project
will continue to use the traditional whiteboards until we finish up the
active tracking of the release.   

   New blueprints in Q release will be using these new native workitems
for tracking.  ( We will do any necessary transitions of existing
blueprints, prior to starting UDS).   For those teams who want to start
planning the blueprints for Q,  feel free to use the new native
capability for capturing the new work items.   Please provide feedback
to the launchpad support team if there are any concerns in using the new
system.   We'd like to get this as solid as possible before UDS.

Thanks for your help with this transition.


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From: Laura Czajkowski <laura.czajkowski at canonical.com>
Subject: Changes to work items in Launchpad
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 14:29:30 +0000
Size: 6811
URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/attachments/20120315/e2dc1494/attachment.mht>

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