Minutes of the Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-07-02

Iain Lane laney at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 2 15:08:16 UTC 2012

== Meeting summary ==
 * Present: laney micahg tumbleweed

 * Review of previous action items
  * micahg to document the zentyal packageset
    - Not done
  * invitation to appear before the CC on 5 July
    - everyone try and be at CC meeting July 5th 17:00 UTC 
    - Short discussion about what to raise there. Suggestions:
      + How strictly should we apply the 6-month minimum requirement for
      + Whether PPU should confer membership

 * Ubuntu Contributing Developer Application: Vibhav Pant
   - This application was discussed and voted on
     For: 0 Against: 3 Abstained: 0

     It is therefore declined.

     The outcome was explained on devel-permissions:

 * chair for next meeting 
   - barry with a fallback to micahg.

== Votes ==

 * Should Vibhav Pant Pant become an Ubuntun Contributing Developer
   For: 0 Against: 3 Abstained: 0

== Action items ==

 * micahg document the zentyal packageset
 * everyone try and be at CC meeting July 5th 17:00 UTC
 * micahg to start a discussion on dmb@ about whether PPU should confer

Iain Lane                                  [ iain at orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ubuntu.com ]
PhD student                                       [ ial at cs.nott.ac.uk ]
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