Minutes from the Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-01-16

Micah Gersten micahg at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 30 06:09:10 UTC 2012

== Meeting summary ==

* Present: micahg (chair), Laney, tumbleweed, geser, stgraber

 *Review of previous action items
  *cody-somerville to write some documentation on how to endorse
someone  (micahg, 14:08:02)
  - Deferred to next meeting
 *bdrung to talk to the TB about harmonising DMB members' expiration
dates for easier restaffing  (micahg, 14:09:18)
   Done - ''LINK:''
(micahg, 14:09:27)

 *Review any packageset descriptions that have been received (micahg)
  - Deferred

 *DMB members terms expiring
laney and geser's terms for the DMB are ending 2012-02-13  (micahg,
''ACTION:'' micahg to E-Mail TB to extend Laney's term 1yr (as the
initial date was an error)  (micahg, 14:15:49)
''ACTION:'' tumbleweed to run the election to fill geser's seat 
(micahg, 14:17:30)
''ACTION:'' tumbleweed to send mail requesting nominations for the open
DMB seat  (micahg, 14:18:02)

 *select chair for next meeting
stgraber to chair next meeting  (micahg, 14:21:41)

Full Meeting Log here:

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