Google Summer of Code 2012 announced

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Mon Feb 13 07:54:51 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

On 06.02.2012 11:11, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> GSoC2012 has been announced [1]. The timeline for the initiative is up
> as well [2]. Relevant next dates are:
>  * February 27 19:00 UTC:
>    Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to Google.
>  * March 9 23:00 UTC
>    Mentoring organization application deadline.
>  * March 12-15:
>    Google program administrators review organization applications.
>  * March 16 19:00 UTC
>    List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the Google
>    Summer of Code 2012 site.

It's still two weeks until we can submit our application,

> Please help filling out our application. This is important.

Up until now we have four project proposals by two people and none of
the application details have been filled out yet.

Have a great day,

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