Proposal for net installer

a.grandi at a.grandi at
Thu Aug 30 07:49:42 UTC 2012


I don't know if it works already like this because I haven't used the
net installer recently, but this is my idea.

Since who use the net installer has to download packages from Internet
anyway, it would make sense to have just one net installer for Ubuntu,
Xubuntu, Kubuntu etc...
After all it should be just a matter of (please correct me if I'm
wrong) installing the right met package: ubuntu-desktop,
xubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop etc...

The user would be simply prompted to choose the desktop he wants. Pretty easy.

What do you think about it? If you really want to restric the number
of ISO you generate and maintain this could be a good idea.

Looking forward to read your comments.

Best regards,

Andrea Grandi - Nokia-DX/Tampere / Qt Ambassador
Ubuntu Member:

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