call for new ARB members

Allison Randal allison at
Thu Aug 30 00:42:33 UTC 2012

It's time for a recruiting round for the Application Review Board, as
the terms of several of the original members will come to an end on Sept
13th. If you're interested, please send a quick email to the team
mailing list (app-review-board at by Sept 5th, and we'll
walk you through the details of signing up. You need to be an Ubuntu
Developer to qualify, and will need an endorsement from at least one
other Ubuntu Developer.

You'll find more details on what it means to be an ARB member and the
process of adding new members to the team at:

Full disclosure: we're currently wading our way through a backlog of
~200 package submissions from the recent wildly successful Ubuntu App
Showdown. You can see the full list at:

There's substantial interest in automating as much of the review process
as possible, so beyond general packaging skills and an interest in
training new developers, ideal candidates would have some
interest/experience in things like creating new lintian checks,
generating apparmor profiles, or otherwise improving the tools to assist
package reviews. Experience in MOTU, Core Dev, Archive Admin, Backports,
DMB, or Debian Developer/Maintainer would be considered a plus, but not

Let us know if you have any questions,

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