systemd for 11.10 ?

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at
Wed May 11 00:10:45 UTC 2011

On 11/05/2011 04:45, Phillip Susi wrote:
> It is a design limitation AFAIK, not a bug.  At least the last time I asked SJR
> about it, Upstart doesn't use cgroups to track children like systemd does, and
> so it looses track of children of the jobs it creates, such as programs the
> logged in user runs, and they can continue running even though you stop the gdm
> job.

Is it really necessary to kill all children of gdm when gdm itself gets stopped?
I might have started some backgrounded script somewhere that should really
continue running after gdm gets killed. I would see it as a major regression if
these things get killed along with gdm.

Case in point, I have gnome-terminal set up to run byobu-launcher which sets up
a screen session, and the session continues on between gdm sessions, allowing me
to reconnect to it after re-logging in, either on gdm again, a tty or via SSH.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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