Qt3 and LSB compliance

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at canonical.com
Wed Mar 2 17:01:15 UTC 2011

On 11-03-02 11:53 AM, Martin Pitt wrote:
> I take it we'd still need to keep Qt3 around in universe for some
> time. Would it be feasible to move lsb-desktop and lsb to universe as
> well?

In a sense, doing so would imply that core-dev are not responsible for
maintaining LSB compliance anymore.  Not that I care a whole lot about
LSB compliance, but I guess the implication need to be weighted carefully.

Etienne Goyer
Technical Account Manager - Canonical Ltd
Ubuntu Certified Instructor   -    LPIC-3

 ~= Ubuntu: Linux for Human Beings =~

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