[ANNOUNCE] dh_splitpackage 0.2.2

Zygmunt Krynicki zygmunt.krynicki at canonical.com
Sat Jun 4 18:46:00 UTC 2011

Hello everyone.

I'd like to announce a new version of dh_splitpackage.

This version improves documentation to a point where it's rather easy to 
get started and use this helper while packaging. A new manual page has 
been created with tool description documentation of all the command line 
options, configuration file schema, pattern matching extensions and many 

Some additional changes to the actual script made it possible to build 
and work on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS. An Ubuntu PPA with this script is 
now available at [1]. In addition to this, a launchpad project has been 
registered to simplify development [2]. Finally the source tarball for 
the release has been uploaded to pypi [3].

(a copy of the initial announcement)

I wrote dh_splitpackage, a helper script that unambiguously splits the 
files of a binary package into multiple packages based on a 
configuration file.

The configuration file may point the primary package (the one that gets
leftover files by default) as well as any number of additional packages 
with any number of inclusion and exclusion patterns.

The new script can be called instead of dh_install (assuming all the 
files you are interested in are already in debian/tmp/) or afterwards.

The biggest advantage compared to existing tools is clear and
not-that-error-prone classification of files to packages. Any file that 
would be classified to more than one package (hitting patterns in both 
files) is clearly reported and prevents the package from building 
properly.  In addition running the script displays each file from 
debian/tmp and the package it was classified to.

Using this script could greatly simplify many packages that currently 
rely on numerous *.install files and custom dh_install overrides in 

Best regards
Zygmunt Krynicki

[1]: https://launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/+archive/dh-splitpackage
[2]: http://launchpad.net/dh-splitpackage
[3]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/dh_splitpackage/

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