[ANNOUNCE] dh_splitpackage 0.1

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 15:17:20 UTC 2011

On Saturday, June 04, 2011 4:58:14 AM Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:
> W dniu 04.06.2011 05:00, Scott Kitterman pisze:
> > You don't appear to have any interest in collaboration to improve
> > things for the greater benefit.  I see you've had some involvement in
> > Ubuntu for some time and are an Ubuntu Member, so I think you should
> > know you are not working with people the way we try to do in Ubuntu. 
> > When I read your initial message I thought it sounded interesting.
> Digging through dh_install bugs, talking to maintainers, backporting
> (fixed) debhelper to lucid (Linaro requirement) would all be much better
> for the platform. It is just the case that currently I cannot invest the
> time required to do so.
> I am interested in collaboration. I express my collaboration by
> documenting, testing, releasing and announcing a script that works,
> IMHO, much better at this particular problem than existing solutions.

I think your definition and Scott's definition of collaboration may differ.  It 
certainly differs with mine. Usually it involves working with other people, so 
seeing if there's a halfway-there tool you could extend (and talking to those 
involved both in its creation and use beforehand), rather than being a lone 
hacker, would fit my definition better.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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