Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes - 2011-02-01
Brad Figg
brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Feb 1 18:57:57 UTC 2011
= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/01/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]
== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 01 Feb, 2011|20110201 Meeting Agenda]]
=== ARM Status ===
Nothing new
=== Release Metrics ===
Release Meeting Bugs (8 bugs, 10 Blueprints)
==== Alpha 2 Milestoned Bugs (19 across all packages (down 3)) ====
* 1 linux kernel bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Release Targeted Bugs (205 across all packages (down 6)) ====
* 17 linux kernel bugs (down 3)
* 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Milestoned Features ====
* 7 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)
==== Maverick Updates Bugs ====
* 55 Linux Bugs (down 1)
==== Lucid Updates Bugs ====
* 91 Linux Bugs (down 4)
==== Bugs with Patches Attached:94 (down 10) ====
* [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]
* [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]
=== Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling ===
* Did some research into kerneloops at the end of last week. I have some data from Brian Murray as to some tools he already has that we can make use of. I'm continuing that work this week
* started looking over our documentation on kernel testing. I have some notes and I am retesting a few of the steps. I finally have a natty test machine to work with.
* As part of the changes I have been making to the arsenal scripts, I have been looking at the messages we put into comments on bugs and their applicability to specific architectures. I have some notes here, but I am still finishing up on my
documentation before I make those changes.
* I think the apport hooks verbiage item needs to be postponed. There was apparently some work that I had wanted to look at that has already been done. This item was mainly to familiarize myself with the hooks and begin learning how they could be changed.
* The arsenal flow documentation has been taking forever to complete. I didn't get much done on it this week as I had other priorities.
=== Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf) ===
We continue to make improvements to our tools and processes. Most notably, work on CVEs has been shifted to being handled much like bug fixes, and that work load is now being shared by more members of the kernel team.
The stable kernel team was able to complete the last cycle in two weeks, but all uploades are still awaiting being copied to -proposed.
For Dapper, Hardy, and Karmic, this is because there has been no feedback in the tracking bugs indicating whether the -proposed kernels even boot.
=== Status: Cert. Team ===
Nothing to report this week, as we are not testing SRUs this week
We are focusing on testing 10.04.2 images
=== Status: Ecryptfs ===
- Reworked rename as there was an interaction with d_move. Still need to investigate layering interactions with d_move more.
- updated the documentation to the current state
- finally pushed out to the ecryptfs-devel mailing list
- After talking to tyhicks last week started investigating adding storing long name into the ecryptfs header instead of an xattr. This should be a small extension to the current patch, and both could be supported.
- It has not been pushed to lkml yet, (giving tyhicks a first pass at it)
=== Status: Natty ===
Following a long period of instability the x86 suspend issues and some ARM display issues seem to be resolved. We have therefore uploaded our first (and second) v2.6.38 based kernels, the main distro kernel is now at v2.6.38-rc2 + git. This kernel seems
to be working well on i386, x86_64, and on arm. This will be the kernel for natty-alpha-2, for which we froze today. Upstream v2.6.38-rc3 has now released and we will upload this as soon as the milestone freeze lifts, likely on friday.
=== Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf) ===
Partial status today due to tool failure and lack of prep by me.
Here are the packages still in -proposed:
|| Package || Upd/Sec || Proposed || TiP || Verified ||
|| || || || || ||
|| dapper linux-source-2.6.15 || 2.6.15-55.90 || 2.6.15-55.91 || 0 || 0 ||
|| || || || || ||
|| hardy linux || 2.6.24-28.81 || 2.6.24-28.84 || 0 || 0 ||
|| || || || || ||
|| karmic linux-ec2 || 2.6.31-307.23 || 2.6.31-307.24 || 0 || 0 ||
|| --- linux || 2.6.31-22.70 || 2.6.31-22.71 || 0 || 0 ||
|| || || || || ||
=== Incoming Bugs: Regressions ===
Incoming Bugs
108 Natty Bugs (up 15)
1133 Maverick Bugs (up 17)
997 Lucid Bugs (up 3)
Current regression stats (broken down by release):
==== regression-update ====
* 32 maverick bugs (up 2)
* 75 lucid bugs (up 1)
* 6 karmic bugs (no change)
* 0 hardy bugs (no change)
==== regression-release ====
* 221 maverick bugs (up 3)
* 204 lucid bugs (up 1)
* 38 karmic bugs (no change)
* 2 hardy bugs (no change)
==== regression-proposed ====
* 15 maverick bugs (down 2)
* 2 lucid bugs (down 1)
* 1 karmic bug (no change)
=== Incoming Bugs: Bug day report ===
Today is the Bug Day for New status bugs. This is something that I would like to hold again next week so that I can get new status bugs back under control
=== Triage Status ===
Some of you have probably noticed the massive jump in bugs on our Hot List. This is due to the inclusion of 'kernel-key' tagged bugs as well as all regression-proposed bugs. It is very likely that many of the regression proposed bugs are no longer valid
due to those kernels having been shipped.
I have also been getting an inordinate amount of direct pings or 'drive-bys' on random bugs.
I have not meen responding to most of them as they interrupt me when I am in the middle of something, but I am working ot identify important ones.
I'll likely begin asking some of you to take a quick look at a few of those to aid in determining if they are fit for the list.
The regression proposed need to be updated to be regression updates. This has not been done but is on the todo list.
=== Open Discussion or Questions ===
* On the topic of regression-proposed i suspect we need to firebomb the lot, see if any are valid against the latest updates kerenl as we are wallowing much history
* Alpha 2 release notes need to be scrubbed with differences hilighted and any bugs indicated.
* [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview]]
Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com
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