Patch pilot report for 28th Feb

Christopher James Halse Rogers raof at
Mon Feb 28 23:49:18 UTC 2011

Yesterday I tried to wander through the patches proposed by non-Ubuntu
developers, and got most of the way through.  This will be much more fun
once I've got core-dev ☺.

One aspect of friction that I noticed is that merge requests aren't
quite as friendly as bugs to work with.  It's not as easy to mark things
as done (although I think this would be fixed by me actually having
upload privs), and it's a bit harder to retarget to the right place when
the contributor has made  a mistake.

Notes list:

libofx bug #629996
      * Patch is upstream
              * Upstream is ancient
              * Debian package needs some love
      * Wrapped fix up in a debdiff

      * Package is in sync with Debian
      * Applied patch as git commit to debian VCS and sent as bug
      * Set to needs-fixing to match mvo's review.
      * Commented that this is merged into update-manager trunk, so will
        appear in Ubuntu on next upstream merge.

LP #711442
      * Fixed in new upstream version since the bug was filed. Marked as
      * Directed to lp:python-fstab, but can't retarget the merge.
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