PostgreSQL 8.4 or 9.0 for Natty?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Feb 10 13:20:38 UTC 2011


PostgreSQL 9.0 was released last September [1], with a lot of
improvements. It's now the default version in Debian unstable, and I
also provide packages for lucid and maverick [2].

However, as Debian had been in freeze until last weekend, all packaged
extensions are still for 8.4.

So I was wondering which version we should ship in Natty? 8.4, with
the usual set of packaged extensions, or 9.0 to provide the latest and
greatest, but with by and large no packaged extensions at all?

My gut feeling and plan so far was the former (8.4), and to provide
9.0 in my PPA for those who need it. Now that Debian has thawed, I
think we'll see extensions packaged for 9.0 soon, so that in 11.10 we
can finally switch over. 

We need to support 8.4 in lucid longer than in natty, so it's not a
security update problem either.

Server team, what's your opinion on that?



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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