Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes - 2011-02-08

Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Feb 8 18:35:17 UTC 2011

= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/08/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]

== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 08 Feb, 2011|20110208 Meeting Agenda]]

=== ARM Status  ===
Nothing new.

=== Release Metrics  ===
Release Meeting Bugs (9 bugs, 12 Blueprints)
==== Alpha 3 Milestoned Bugs (61 across all packages (up 42)) ====
  * 2 linux kernel bugs (up 1)
  * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
  * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Release Targeted Bugs (249 across all packages (up 44)) ====
  * 21 linux kernel bugs (up 4)
  * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
  * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)
==== Milestoned Features ====
  * 7 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)
==== Maverick Updates Bugs ====
  * 55 Linux Bugs (no change)
==== Lucid Updates Bugs ====
  * 91 Linux Bugs (no change)
==== Bugs with Patches Attached:102 (up 8) ====
  * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]
  * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]

=== Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling  ===
  * Found a logic error (what I believe to be one at least) in the process-new arsenal script.  Working to nail down the behavior in that script so that it can be addressed.
  * I am cleaning up my notes about kernel testing and should have updates to the wiki documentation done this week.

=== Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite  ===
Changes to fwts (natty development branch):
  * add oops checker
  * fix double free in dmar test
  * improving option handling

===  Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process ===
The kernel Stable team has had kernels in -proposed for almost
a week, and a number of the associated fixes have been verified.
Due to the alpha release of Natty and the .2 release of Lucid
and the demand on certification and QA resources, there is
time for us to spin another release and put it in -proposed.
Fixes verified already in the current -proposed kernel will
remain verified, and any new fixes will require verification.
We expect to produce those kernels this week.
The process continues to get refined as we go through new
cycles. We have taken responsibility for updating the
verification tags on bugs and are changing our tools to
deal with that. We also are developing internal tools to
help track package versions and alert us to errors such
as not having an updated meta package when an ABI bump
has occurred.

=== Status: Cert. Team   ===
Nothing to report on SRUs. We won't be testing -proposed kernels this week or the following one.

=== Status: Ecryptfs  ===
  * second revision with cleanups and bug fixes pushed to ecryptfs mailing list
  * revising description text with kirklands feedback for fsdevel submit
  * tyhicks has been busy and unable to review, is planning to review today
  * may alter shortname generation to use directory ino pending discussion
  * may convert from trusted to user. xattr namespace pending discussion

=== Status: Natty  ===
The natty-alpha-2 kernel seems to be holding up ok.  Since the freeze lifted we have uploaded v2.6.38-2.29 (v2.6.38-rc3) based kernel.  This has brought another swathe of DRM fixes, though things are still iffy there.  v2.6.38-rc4 has just released and 
will be uploaded shortly.
Overall we are looking good on longer term tasks with most of the key deliverables complete.  We are now tracking mainline and fielding issues as they appear.

===  Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper ===
|| Package                                    || Kernel PPA          || Proposed             || Upd/Sec              ||  TiP || Verified ||
||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||
|| dapper   linux-source-2.6.15               || 2.6.15-55.92        ||                      || 2.6.15-55.91         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                     ||                      ||            ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6       ||                     ||                      || 2.6.15-55.13         ||      ||          ||
||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||
|| hardy    linux                             || 2.6.24-28.85        || 2.6.24-28.84         || 2.6.24-28.81         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24   ||                     ||                      ||       ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24       ||                     ||                      || 2.6.24-28.47         ||      ||          ||
||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||
|| karmic   linux                             || 2.6.31-22.72        || 2.6.31-22.71         || 2.6.31-22.70         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.31    ||                     ||                      || 2.6.31-22.24         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-ec2                         || 2.6.31-307.25       || 2.6.31-307.24        || 2.6.31-307.23        ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-meta-ec2                    ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-fsl-imx51                   || 2.6.31-112.30       ||                      || 2.6.31-112.28        ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-meta-fsl-imx51              ||                     ||                      ||        ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-mvl-dove                    ||                     ||                      || 2.6.31-214.32        ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-meta-mvl-dove               ||                     ||                      ||        ||      ||          ||
||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||
|| lucid    linux                             || 2.6.32-29.57        || 2.6.32-29.57         || 2.6.32-28.55         ||    6 ||        1 ||
|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.32    || 2.6.32-29.28        || 2.6.32-29.28         || 2.6.32-28.27         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-meta                        ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-ec2                         || 2.6.32-313.25       || 2.6.32-313.25        || 2.6.32-312.24        ||    8 ||        1 ||
|| ---      linux-meta-ec2                    ||       ||        ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-lts-backport-maverick       || 2.6.35-25.44~lucid1 || 2.6.35-25.44~lucid1  || 2.6.35-23.41~lucid1  ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick  ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-fsl-imx51                   || 2.6.31-608.22       ||                      || 2.6.31-608.20        ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-mvl-dove                    || 2.6.32-214.30       || 2.6.32-214.30        || 2.6.32-211.27        ||    6 ||        1 ||
|| ---      linux-meta-mvl-dove               || 2.6.32-214.15       ||        ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||
||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||
|| maverick linux                             || 2.6.35-26.46        || 2.6.35-26.46         || 2.6.35-25.44         ||    9 ||        9 ||
|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.35    || 2.6.35-26.17        ||                      || 2.6.35-25.16         ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-meta                        ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-mvl-dove                    ||                     || 2.6.32-414.30        ||                      ||    3 ||        3 ||
|| ---      linux-meta-mvl-dove               ||                     ||         ||                      ||    0 ||        0 ||
|| ---      linux-ti-omap4                    ||                     ||                      || 2.6.35-903.14        ||      ||          ||
|| ---      linux-meta-ti-omap4               ||                     ||                      || 2.6.35-903.6         ||      ||          ||
||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||
|| Package                                    || Kernel PPA          || Proposed             || Upd/Sec              ||  TiP || Verified ||

=== Incoming Bugs: Regressions  ===
Incoming Bugs
  149 Natty Bugs (up 41)
  1141 Maverick Bugs (up 8)
  1005 Lucid Bugs (up 8)
Current regression stats (broken down by release):
==== regression-update ====
   * 35 maverick bugs (up 3)
   * 75 lucid bugs (no change)
   * 6 karmic bugs (no change)
   * 0 hardy bugs (no change)
==== regression-release ====
   * 220 maverick bugs (down 1)
   * 206 lucid bugs (up 2)
   * 38 karmic bugs (no change)
   * 2 hardy bugs (no change)
==== regression-proposed ====
   * 14 maverick bugs (down 1)
   * 2 lucid bugs (no change)
   * 1 karmic bug (no change)

=== Incoming Bugs: Bug day report  ===
The  next bug day will be next Tuesday. It will once again cover bugs in the new state.  I'll put some more information out on what I am interested in solving within these set of bugs once I have determined why the process-new script is failing.

=== Triage Status  ===
Still quite a lot of direct requests to review specific bugs. There are a few people in the community helping out, so that is picking up a bit.

=== Open Discussion or Questions ===
Nothing this week.
Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com

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