DMB: Proposal for a different review process

Chase Douglas chase.douglas at
Wed Aug 3 21:34:31 UTC 2011

On 08/03/2011 02:01 PM, Chase Douglas wrote:
> On 08/03/2011 01:45 PM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> On 08/03/2011 04:36 PM, Chase Douglas wrote:
>>> On 08/03/2011 12:50 PM, Allison Randal wrote:
>>>> On 08/03/2011 12:23 PM, Chase Douglas wrote:
>>>>> On 08/03/2011 12:14 PM, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Chase Douglas 
>>>>>> <chase.douglas at> wrote:
>>>>>>> What is the policy for email applications? Can anyone apply
>>>>>>> this way, or is it only under specific circumstances?
>>>>>> Split votes go to the mailing list to try to find enough +1s
>>>>>> after a meeting. Board members can email in advance a +1/-1 if
>>>>>> they have no questions (either because they didn't to start
>>>>>> with or because they already talked to the person)
>>>>>> The only time I've seen the application be done *completely* in
>>>>>> email was when there was a 9-person-ish queue.
>>>>> Ok, that's evidence of what's been done in the past, but what is
>>>>> the policy? Can I do it myself? I'm asking because I seriously
>>>>> would rather do apply through email than get up at 6 AM on a
>>>>> Monday morning, hoping there's a quorum :).
>>>> In my experience with various projects and communities, review
>>>> processes that are done entirely by email or bug queues are
>>>> generally less responsive, not more responsive. Regular time-based
>>>> meetings are a useful social motivator. And, as an applicant, a
>>>> multi-week email thread picking over their credentials is likely to
>>>> be far more daunting than a quick discussion on IRC.
>>>> But, this is a decision for the DMB, or if they choose to escalate
>>>> it, a decision for higher community authorities. They understand
>>>> the concern raised by several community members (including you), so
>>>> it's time to step back and allow the community process to operate.
>>> Maybe my problem is that I'm asking in the wrong forum or the wrong
>>> way. I have this legitimate question for the board, so how do I ask
>>> it? I asked Mackenzie because it naturally flowed in the email
>>> thread, but she's just one member of the board, so it might have
>>> seemed I was singling her out.
>>> Do I simply need to sit and wait for a response on this thread, or do
>>> I need to ask somewhere else? I really don't mean to badger with
>>> questions on the list, it's only because I can't find any information
>>> on how else to interact with the board.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- Chase
>> Hi,
>> You can contact the whole DMB at:
>> developer-membership-board at
>> Or add an agenda item for our next meeting:
> Ahh, thanks! I'll subscribe to the list and send any more emails about
> this there.

Hrm, that list is private and I can't join. There must be some way to
communicate with the board other than by adding a meeting agenda or
hoping that an email you send to a private list is attended to. I would
also like responses to questions I ask be available to others, and a
private mailing list doesn't allow for this.

-- Chase

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