DMB: Proposal for a different review process

Dustin Kirkland kirkland at
Wed Aug 3 17:47:27 UTC 2011

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Chase Douglas
<chase.douglas at> wrote:
> Yesterday I attempted to attend a DMB meeting, but unfortunately only
> two members showed so there wasn't a quorum. I think I've been to about
> an equal number of meetings where quorum has and has not been reached
> :(. This led me to think that there must be a better way to handle DMB
> proceedings.
> My proposal would be to do away with formal meetings, at least for
> evaluating typical applications, and move them to Launchpad. Create a
> project (maybe "ubuntu-developer-membership") and then have people open
> bugs when they have something to bring up before the board.


I think it's a great idea and looks like many of the processes with
which we're familiar.  Authentication is a big advantage of LP, as is
the asynchronous nature (lack of a quorum is so 1775).

Having a long, running history for difficult applications would be
nice.  It would also lend itself better to statistical, historical
analysis of approved and rejected applications (which currently
require grepping mailing lists and IRC logs).

Great idea, Chase.  I hope we're up for the change.


Dustin Kirkland
Ubuntu Core Developer

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